Praising God is one of the most important ways we enrich and share our faith. Wherever you are in your faith journey, we welcome you to our weekly worship on Saturdays or Sundays. We invite you to listen, pray, sing, share, and taste the love and grace of Jesus. As a faith community, we are fed and empowered for our lives and are sent out to make a difference in the world.
Worship Services
- Saturday – 5:00 pm
- Sunday – 9:00 am (Summer 8:30 am)
- Livestream: “Live” on Sunday at 9:00 am worship at Grace Lutheran You Tube site (previous services are also available for replay)
- In-person: Everyone is welcome into our faith community and we are accessible for people of all abilities. We project our worship liturgy on two large screens for ease of participation.
- Outdoor: From Memorial Day to Labor Day, we have a Sunday morning worship service at 10:00 am on Lake Nokomis outside The Tilted Loon. Bring a chair or your boat and enjoy worship surrounded by God’s creation. Moved to Grace when the weather isn’t suitable.
- Communion: Offered weekly. Everyone who believes in the forgiveness of Christ in this meal is welcome to receive communion. If you prefer to stay in your seat, the ushers can bring communion to you. Children can come forward for a blessing.
We are blessed with many talented musicians who share their gifts in a variety of musical ways. Our musical liturgy and songs include a variety of traditional and contemporary selections.
We encourage our members to share their gifts: readers, ushers, acolytes, musical talents, communion assistants and assisting ministers. You don’t need any experience, we will gladly teach you and help you find your interest. There are many ways in which you can help support the facilitation of our services, even behind the scenes, if that is where are more comfortable.