We are growing in our faith throughout our lives. Studying God’s word together in the Bible gives us insight for our daily lives.

At Grace we offer weekly Bible study to anyone who would like to attend.  It is an open forum and you join us as frequently as you like.  We use this time to explore a theme using scripture, meditations and group discussion to help us understand and apply our learnings to daily life. Presently we only offer this session in-person but if requested for a particular need we will gladly provide a Zoom option.

Weekly Bible Study is offered on (Day, Time and length) who to contact with questions or suggestions for themes.


  • Mondays at 10:30 am for study of the upcoming week’s worship bible readings- for all at Grace in Reiff Hall
  • Mondays at 5 pm for Men’s study on the bible but also various inspirational writers- at Grace in the Gathering area & outdoors in warmer weather
  • Tuesdays at 6 pm studying the Gospels through meaningful commentaries- for all in the Anna Fredrickson Lounge at Grace
  • Fridays at 7 am for Men’s bible study at Tomahawk Family Restaurant with members of faith in the community studying the weekly readings for worship
  • Special studies that engage in the season or special topic such as a Lenten bible study that meets online Saturdays at 10 am with Greater Galilee in Milwaukee

Individual discussions about Scripture can be made by appointment with Pastor Julie. For more information contact Pastor Julie Sinkula at pastorjuliebarger@gmail.com or call our office at 715-453- 4066.