A BIG THANK YOU to everyone involved with the cookie walk, lefse, and craft sale events.  They were a huge success and could not have happened without the generous hearts in the people of Grace. Happy New Year-Julie Dentler, Linda Halverson, Darlene Wechsler and Pastor Susan Christian.

Continue ReadingA BIG THANK YOU to everyone involved with the cookie walk, lefse, and craft sale events.  They were a huge success and could not have happened without the generous hearts in the people of Grace. Happy New Year-Julie Dentler, Linda Halverson, Darlene Wechsler and Pastor Susan Christian.

Songs in the Night | A Christmas MessageBefore Christmas comes the winter solstice, December 21st, the shortest day (and longest night) of the year in the Northern hemisphere. At our recent gathering…

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JOYFUL NOISE: Joyful Noise will be held on the 3rd Tuesday instead of on the 2nd Tuesday for the month of December. Location/Date/Time: Castaways , December 17 at 11:30. Participants are encouraged to bring a Food Pantry item.

Continue ReadingJOYFUL NOISE: Joyful Noise will be held on the 3rd Tuesday instead of on the 2nd Tuesday for the month of December. Location/Date/Time: Castaways , December 17 at 11:30. Participants are encouraged to bring a Food Pantry item.

DECEMBER SPECIAL OFFERING –GIFT GIVING:  ELCA Good Gifts & Grace’s Gift Catalog: For ELCA Good Gifts, there will be a giving tree in the gathering space with ornaments featuring various Good Gift options. You are invited to take as many ornaments as you would like to sponsor, place your gift of that amount in the special offering (please remember to note ‘Good Gifts’ on your offering), and hang the ornaments on your Christmas tree at home as a reminder of your gift.You may also wish to give your gift to Grace’s Gift Catalog that features projects for new hallway ceiling and lights, starting with our confirmation picture hallway. Please note ‘Gift Catalog’ on your offering. Any undesignated gifts will be applied to Grace’s Gift Catalog.

Continue ReadingDECEMBER SPECIAL OFFERING –GIFT GIVING:  ELCA Good Gifts & Grace’s Gift Catalog: For ELCA Good Gifts, there will be a giving tree in the gathering space with ornaments featuring various Good Gift options. You are invited to take as many ornaments as you would like to sponsor, place your gift of that amount in the special offering (please remember to note ‘Good Gifts’ on your offering), and hang the ornaments on your Christmas tree at home as a reminder of your gift.You may also wish to give your gift to Grace’s Gift Catalog that features projects for new hallway ceiling and lights, starting with our confirmation picture hallway. Please note ‘Gift Catalog’ on your offering. Any undesignated gifts will be applied to Grace’s Gift Catalog.